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Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting

Business Paper



Notice is hereby given that a Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting of Parkes Shire Council will be held in the Parkes Council Chamber, 2 Cecile Street, Parkes, on Tuesday 4 April 2023 at 12.00pm.



Kent Boyd PSM

General Manager




Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2023



Order of Business


1          Opening of Meeting.. 1

2          Acknowledgement of Country.. 1

3          Apologies.. 1

4          Confirmation of Minutes.. 1

5          Disclosures of Interests.. 1

6          Late Business.. 1

7          Officers' Reports.. 2

7.1            Terms of Reference. 2

7.2            Future Projects List - Setting Priorities. 8

8          Report of Confidential Resolutions.. 12



Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2023


1            Opening of Meeting

The Chairperson will declare the meeting open.

Meeting of Council committees are not recorded or streamed to the internet.

2            Acknowledgement of Country

Parkes Shire Council acknowledges the Wiradjuri People who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land. I would also like to pay respect to the Elders past, present and emerging of the Wiradjuri Nation and extend that respect to other Aboriginal peoples from other nations who are present.

3            Apologies

In accordance with clauses 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 of Council's Code of Meeting Practice, apologies must be received and accepted from absent Councillors and a leave of absence from the Council Meeting may be granted.

4            Confirmation of Minutes

This is the inaugural meeting of this Committee

5            Disclosures of Interests

All Council Officials must disclose and manage any conflicts of interest they may have in matters being considered at the meeting.

Council's Code of Conduct deals with pecuniary and non-pecuniary conflicts of interest and political donations, and provides guidance on how these issues should be managed.

Council Officials must be familiar with Council's Code of Conduct and their obligations to disclose and manage any conflicts of interest that they may have in matters being considered at this Council Meeting.

Note: Council Officials who declare an Interest at the Meeting are also required to complete a Declaration of Interest form.


6            Late Business

Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2023


7            Officers' Reports

7.1         Terms of Reference

IP&R Linkage:        Pillar: Community

Goal: Our community is safe, active and healthy.

Strategy: Provide sport, recreation and play space facilities that encourage participation and support healthy lifestyles.

Author:                    Anthony McGrath, Executive Manager Corporate Services

Authoriser:             Ben Howard, Director Operations

Annexures:             A.      Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee Terms of Reference



That the Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee:

1.       Elect Cr______________as Chairperson, pursuant to clause 6.1 of the Committee's Terms of Reference.




A its Ordinary meeting held on 20 December 2022 Parkes Shire Council("Council") resolved to establish the Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee ("the Committee") and adopt the Terms of reference for the Committee appended at Annexure A {res408/22}


Consistent with clause 6.1, the Committee must appoint a Chairperson from among the Committee's three (3) (Councillors members, listed below alphabetically:

1.    Cr Jacob Cass

2.    Cr Bill Jayet

3.    Cr Louise O'Leary

 The Mayor serves as an ex officio member with Cr Daniel Weber serving as an alternate delegate.

The process for electing a Chairperson will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Council's Code of Meeting Practice (detailed below).

Council staff assisting this Committee are Director Operations Ben Howard and Executive Manager Corporate Services Anthony McGrath.

The Executive Manager Corporate Services will facilitate the election process. Following election, the Chairperson will assume the chair for the remainder of the Committee meeting.

Legislative and Policy Context

For the purposes of the election process, it is proposed that the process outlined in Council's Code of Meeting Practice (based on the Model Code of Meeting Practice for Local Councils in NSW) be utilised:


6.5     If, at an election of a Chairperson, two (2) or more candidates receive the same number of votes and no other candidate receives a greater number of votes, the Chairperson is to be the candidate whose name is chosen by lot.

6.6     For the purposes of clause 6.5, the person conducting the election must:

(a)   arrange for the names of the candidates who have equal numbers of votes to be written on similar slips, and

(b)   then fold the slips so as to prevent the names from being seen, mix the slips and draw one of the slips at random.

6.7     The candidate whose name is on the drawn slip is the candidate who is to be the chairperson.

6.8     Any election conducted under clause 6.3, and the outcome of the vote, are to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

Financial Implications

There are no financial implications associated with this report.

Risk Implications

Election of a Chairperson ensures that the Committee operates in accordance with its adopted Terms of Reference.

Community Consultation

Council committees are established through a resolution of Council. 

Community Representative to this Committee is Peter Bristol.

Sports Council representatives are President Al Gersbach and Finance Reporter Luke Nash


Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee Advisory Committee, it is recommended that the Committee elect one of its three (3) Councillor members as Chairperson, in accordance with the Committee's endorsed Terms of Reference.


Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2023



Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2023


7.2         Future Projects List - Setting Priorities

IP&R Linkage:        Pillar: Community

Goal: Our community is safe, active and healthy.

Strategy: Provide sport, recreation and play space facilities that encourage participation and support healthy lifestyles.

Author:                    Anthony McGrath, Executive Manager Corporate Services

Authoriser:             Ben Howard, Director Operations

Annexures:             Nil



That the Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee:

1.       Receive and note the report.

2.       Consider a priority be placed on the proposed projects for each principal activity.



When applying for grants, it is helpful if proposed projects are listed in Council's operational plans, have evidence of community support and have been prioritised.


Council's Operational Plan for 2023-24 lists the following projects as 'Future' projects. Future projects were identified through community consultation, local community consultation committees or masterplans.

Table 1: Unfunded Open Space and Recreation Projects 2023-24.

Principal Activity


Unfunded Project

Estimated cost

Method of Identification

Parks and Gardens


Community Garden


2021 Community Engagement

Parks and Gardens


Revegetation of Bushman's Hill


2021 Community Engagement

Parks and Gardens


Communal Green Space
- New subdivisions


2021 Community Engagement

Parks and Gardens

Peak Hill

Peak Hill Nature Reserve Masterplan


Peak Hill CCC Request

Parks and Gardens

Peak Hill

Community Garden (Apex Park, Peak Hill)


2021 Community Engagement

Parks and Gardens


Community Garden - Trundle Library


2022 Community Engagement

Parks and Gardens


Native Gardens - Tullamore Memorial Park


2021 Community Engagement

Sports Fields


P1 - Pola Park Lighting Upgrade - emergency helicopter landing area


Tullamore CCC

Parks and Gardens

Bogan Gate

Beautification Works - Hutton St Bogan Gate


2023 Community Engagement

Parks and Gardens

Bogan Gate

Burrawang Park - Outdoor GYM


2024 Community Engagement

Sports Fields


Sporting Field Entrances - Signage and Presentation


2021 Community Engagement

Sports Fields


Northparkes Oval Upgrades

- Lighting (clubhouse)

- Outdoor Heaters

- Lighting of field events area

- Seating


2021 Community Engagement, Masterplan

Sports Fields


Northparkes Oval Upgrades - Rejuvenation of Turf Wicket


2021 Community Engagement

Sports Fields


Cheney Park Upgrades - Storage Facility / Shed



Sports Fields


Woodward Oval Upgrades including

- Additional Cricket Nets

- Fencing installation

- Electronic scoreboard

- Fixed sightscreens


2021 Community Engagement, Masterplan

Sports Fields


Indoor Sports Complex


2021 Community Engagement, Cheney Park Masterplan

Sports Fields


Pioneer Oval Upgrade including grandstand, amenities, changerooms, clubroom and canteen


2021 Community Engagement Spicer, Pioneer Northparkes Ovals Master Plan Jock Colley Field Grandstand Concept Design

Sports Fields


Harrison Park Upgrades - Replace synthetic wicket with a turf wicket


2021 Community Engagement

Sports Fields


Public Access Tennis Hardcourt


2021 Community Engagement

Sports Fields

Peak Hill

Lindner Oval Upgrades

- Fencing

- Soccer Fields, Little Athletics Areas and Netball Courts

- Shared Path around sports oval

- Dog Park with agility equipment


2021 Community Engagement

Sports Fields


Berryman Oval Upgrades

- Amenities

- Tennis Court Upgrade


2021 Community Engagement

Open Space Facilities, Amenities and Public Toilets


Extend Cycle Track - Eugowra Rd


2021 Community Engagement

Open Space Facilities, Amenities and Public Toilets


Motocross Track/Precinct


2021 Community Engagement

Open Space Facilities, Amenities and Public Toilets


Outdoor Circuit Training


2021 Community Engagement

Open Space Facilities, Amenities and Public Toilets


Man-made Ski Dam


2021 Community Engagement

Open Space Facilities, Amenities and Public Toilets


Recreational Dam (Lake Endeavour)

- Footpaths

- BBQ Area

- Walking Track


2021 Community Engagement

Open Space Facilities, Amenities and Public Toilets

Peak Hill

Peak Hill Memorial Gardens Signage


Peak Hill CCC request

Open Space Facilities, Amenities and Public Toilets

Peak Hill

Peak Hill Skate Park - Upgrade facilities


2021 Community Engagement

Open Space Facilities, Amenities and Public Toilets


P3 - Tullamore Memorial Park - BBQ Area Upgrades including wheelchair inclusion


2021 Community Engagement


Peak Hill

Cemetery Improvements

- Amenities

- Roof over Cremation Wall


2021 Community Engagement

Swimming Pools


Indoor Heated Pool


Parkes Shire Indoor Heated Pool Development Study

Swimming Pools


Amenities Upgrades - Trundle Pool


2021 Community Engagement

Wetlands Restoration


Boardwalk at Bushmans Dam or Akuna Rd wetlands for bird watching and recreation


2021 Community Engagement

Wetlands Restoration


Stage 2 Akuna Road Wetland Activation




Legislative and Policy Context

There are no legislative or policy considerations for Council associated with this report.

Financial Implications

The projects listed are unfunded as there is no commitment by Council to implement the projects and there are no grant funds allocated.

Risk Implications

Council is not committed to delivering any of these projects and as such, there are no major risks associated with the report recommendation.

Community Consultation

The Committee may consider placing a prioritised list of proposed projects on public exhibition for feedback from the community.


This report  lists the unfunded Open Space and Recreation projects as shown in the Operational Plan 2023-24.


Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2023



8            Report of Confidential Resolutions

In accordance with clauses 14.22 and 14.23 of Council's Code of Meeting Practice, resolutions passed during a meeting, or a part of a meeting that is closed to the public must be made public by the Chairperson as soon as practicable.  Such resolutions must be recorded in the publicly available minutes of the meeting.