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Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting

Business Paper



Notice is hereby given that a Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting of Parkes Shire Council will be held in the Parkes Council Chamber, 2 Cecile Street, Parkes, on Tuesday 21 November 2023 at 10:30am.



Kent Boyd PSM

General Manager




Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


Order of Business


1          Opening of Meeting.. 4

2          Acknowledgement of Country.. 4

3          Prayer.. 5

4          Apologies and Applications for a Leave of Absence.. 5

5          Applications to Attend by Audio-Visual Link.. 5

6          Confirmation of Minutes.. 6

7          Disclosures of Interests.. 7

8          Late Business.. 8

9          Officers' Reports.. 9

9.1            Election of Chairperson. 9

9.2            Confirmation of Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 12 September 2023. 15

9.3            Trundle ABBA Festival - Post Event Review.. 25

9.4            2024 Parkes Elvis Festival Update. 28

9.5            Customer Profiles - Project Update. 30

9.6            Development of Parkes Shire Destination Management Plan & Bypass Strategy. 58

9.7            Development of Parkes Regional Entertainment and Cultural Centre Feasibility Study. 60

10       Report of Confidential Resolutions.. 62



1            Opening of Meeting

In the spirit of open, accessible and transparent government, meetings of Parkes Shire Council are video recorded and webcast, consistent with Council's Code of Meeting Practice and the Local Government Act 1993.

Council accepts no liability for any defamatory, discriminatory or offensive remarks or gestures made during the course of meetings.  Opinions expressed or statements made by individual participants are the opinions or statements of those individuals, and do not imply any form of endorsement by Council.

Closed sessions of Council meetings are not video recorded or webcast.

Recordings and webcasts are protected by copyright and owned by Council, and published to Council's website.  No part may be copied, recorded, reproduced or transmitted without the prior written consent of the General Manager.  Any recording or webcast is not, and shall not, be taken to be an official record of Council or discussion depicted therein.  Only the official minutes may be relied upon as an official record of the meeting.

Authorised media representatives are permitted to record meetings provided written notice has been lodged.  A person may be expelled from a meeting for recording without notice.  Recordings may only be used for the purpose of accuracy of reporting and are not for broadcast, or to be shared publicly.  No recordings of any private third-party conversations or comments of anyone within the Chamber are permitted.

Please ensure that mobile phones and other electronic devised are turned off or are in silent mode for the duration of the meeting.

Under Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, individuals acting in a disorderly manner can be asked by the Chairperson to leave the meeting.


2            Acknowledgement of Country

The Mayor will invite a Councillor to deliver an Acknowledgement of Country:

       Parkes Shire Council acknowledges the Wiradjuri People who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land. I would also like to pay respect to the Elders past, present and emerging of the Wiradjuri Nation and extend that respect to other Aboriginal peoples from other nations who are present.

Alternatively, the Councillor may deliver the following Acknowledgement of Country in Wiradjuri language, which has been provided by Mr Geoff Anderson, a Wiradjuri Elder resident of the Parkes Shire:

Wiradjuri language

English translation

Badhu yinganha yindyamarra-gu Wiradjuri mayiny bu Wiradjuri manhang 

I give respect to Wiradjuri people and Wiradjuri soil. 

Badhu gulbarra ngali Yama Wiradjuri ngurambang bu ngali garrariwibarra gu marambir Niiringal 

I understand we are on Wiradjuri country and can work together to a better tomorrow.

Mandaang guwu 

Thank you.


Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


3            Prayer



4            Apologies and Applications for a Leave of Absence

In accordance with clauses 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 of Council's Code of Meeting Practice, apologies must be received and accepted from absent Councillors and a leave of absence from the Council Meeting may be granted.


5            Applications to Attend by Audio-Visual Link

In accordance with clauses 5.18 and 5.19 of Council's Code of Meeting Practice, Councillors may attend and participate in meetings by audio-visual link with the approval of the Council.

Requests by Councillors for approval to attend a meeting by audio-visual link must be made in writing to the General Manager prior to the meeting in question and provide reasons why the Councillor will be presented from attending the meeting in person.

Councillors attending a meeting by audio-visual link are reminded that they must ensure that no other person is within sight or hearing of the meeting at any time that the meeting is closed to the public under section 10A of the Local Government Act 1993.

Note: Consistent with clause 5.43 of Council's Code of Meeting Practice, attendance by Council staff at meetings of the Council by audio-visual link shall be with the approval of the General Manager.


Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


6            Confirmation of Minutes

Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


7            Disclosures of Interests

In accordance with Part 16 of Council's Code of Meeting Practice, all Councillors must disclose and manage any conflicts of interest they may have in matters being considered at the meeting.

Council's Code of Conduct deals with pecuniary and non-pecuniary conflicts of interest and political donations, and provides guidance on how these issues should be managed.

Councillors, and where applicable, other Council Officials, must be familiar with Council's Code of Conduct and their obligations to disclose and manage any conflicts of interest that they may have in matters being considered at this Council Meeting.

Note: Councillors and staff who declare an Interest at the Council Meeting are also required to complete a Declaration of Interest form.


Pecuniary Interests

A Councillor who has a pecuniary interest in any matter with which the Council is concerned, and who is present at a meeting of the Council at which the matter is being considered, must disclose the nature of the interest to the meeting.

The Councillor must not be present at, or in sight of, the meeting:

(a)       At any time during which the matter is being considered or discussed, or

(b)       At any time during which the Council is voting on any question in relation to the matter.

Non-Pecuniary Conflicts of Interest

A Councillor who has a non-pecuniary conflict of interest in a matter, must disclose the relevant private interest in relation to the matter fully and on each occasion on which the non-pecuniary conflict of interest arises in relation to the matter.

Significant Non-Pecuniary Conflicts of Interest

A Councillor who has a significant non-pecuniary conflict of interest in relation to a matter under consideration at a Council meeting, must manage the conflict of interest as if they had a pecuniary interest in the matter.

Less than Significant Non-Pecuniary Interests

A Councillor who determines that they have a non-pecuniary conflict of interest in a matter that is not significant and does not require further action, when disclosing the interest must also explain why conflict of interest is not significant and does not require further action in the circumstances.


Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


8            Late Business

Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


9            Officers' Reports

9.1         Election of Chairperson

IP&R Linkage:        Pillar: Leadership

Goal: Our local government is open, accountable, and representative.

Strategy: Provide open and transparent decision-making and undertake the civic duties of Council with professionalism and integrity.

Author:                    Carrie Olsen, Executive Manager Economy, Destination and Activation

Authoriser:             Anthony McGrath, Director Customer, Corporate Services and Economy

Annexures:             A.      Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Terms of Reference.



That the Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee:

          Elect Cr ______________ as Chairperson, pursuant to clause 6.1 of the Committee's Terms of Reference.



At its Ordinary Meeting held December 2022, Parkes Shire Council ("Council") resolved to establish the Tourism, Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee ("the Committee") and adopt the Terms of Reference for the Committee appended at Annexure A [res. 408/22].

At its Ordinary Meeting held 19 September 2023, Parkes Shire Council ("Council") endorsed a new committee structure, which simplified the name of the committee to the Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee ("the Committee") [res. 228/23].

At its Ordinary Meeting held 17 October 2023, Parkes Shire Council ("Council") endorsed the appointment of new Councillor Committee Delegates for the coming 12-month period, following the September 2023 election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor [res. 289/23].

In November 2023, former Chairperson, Cr Jacob Cass, resigned from his role as a Councillor Committee Delegate and Cr Ken Keith was subsequently appointed as a replacement Councillor Committee Delegate.


Consistent with clause 6.1 of the Terms of Reference, the Committee must appoint a Chairperson from among the Committee's three (3) Councillor members, listed below (alphabetically):

1.   Cr Marg Applebee

2.   Cr Bill Jayet

3.   Cr Ken Keith

The Mayor, Cr Neil Westcott, serves as an ex officio member.

The process for electing a Chairperson will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Council's Code of Meeting Practice (detailed below).

The Director Customer, Corporate Services and Economy will facilitate the election process. Following election, the Chairperson will assume the chair for the remainder of the Committee meeting.

Legislative and Policy Context

For the purposes of the election process, it is proposed that the process outlined in Council's Code of Meeting Practice (based on the Model Code of Meeting Practice for Local Councils in NSW) be utilised:

6.5     If, at an election of a Chairperson, two (2) or more candidates receive the same number of votes and no other candidate receives a greater number of votes, the Chairperson is to be the candidate whose name is chosen by lot.

6.6     For the purposes of clause 6.5, the person conducting the election must:

(a)   arrange for the names of the candidates who have equal numbers of votes to be written on similar slips, and

(b)   then fold the slips so as to prevent the names from being seen, mix the slips and draw one of the slips at random.

6.7     The candidate whose name is on the drawn slip is the candidate who is to be the chairperson.

6.8     Any election conducted under clause 6.3, and the outcome of the vote, are to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

Financial Implications

There are no financial implications for Council associated with this report.

Risk Implications

Election of a Chairperson ensures that the Committee operates in accordance with its adopted Terms of Reference.

Community Consultation

There are no community consultation requirements for Council associated with this report.


It is recommended that the Committee elect one of its three (3) Councillor members as Chairperson, in accordance with the Committee's endorsed Terms of Reference.


Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023



Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


9.2         Confirmation of Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 12 September 2023

IP&R Linkage:        Pillar: Leadership

Goal: Our local government is open, accountable, and representative.

Strategy: Provide open and transparent decision-making and undertake the civic duties of Council with professionalism and integrity.

Author:                    Sue McGrath, Business Support Coordinator

Authoriser:             Anthony McGrath, Director Customer, Corporate Services and Economy

Annexures:             A.      Tourism Destination and Events Advisory Committee Meeting




1.       For the information of Council




Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023



Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


9.3         Trundle ABBA Festival - Post Event Review

IP&R Linkage:        Pillar: Community

Goal: Our community is creative, proud and has a strong sense of belonging.

Strategy: Deliver and support events, festivals and celebrations that promote engaged citizenship and foster community pride.

Author:                    Katie Nash, Economic Development Specialist

Authoriser:             Anthony McGrath, Director Customer, Corporate Services and Economy

Annexures:             Nil




1.       That the information contained in this report be received and noted.




The Trundle ABBA Festival ("the Festival") was launched in 2012 by Gary and Ruth Crowley, and since then the event has gone from strength to strength. The Festival is a true celebration of all things ABBA - the music, the fashions, as well as disco and music from the 70's. It's an opportunity for festivalgoers to dig out their platforms, sparkles, and flares.

In 2022, the Festival founders approached Parkes Shire Council to undertake the 2022 Trundle ABBA Festival. However, due to severe weather, Parkes Shire Council cancelled the 2022 event.

Hayley Roach was appointed Manager of Trundle ABBA Festival in August 2022 on a short-term contract ending in November 2022. In February 2023, Hayley Roach was re-engaged as an Events Casual, working remotely to facilitate the Festival, relocating to Parkes in August 2023 to deliver the event in person.


The Trundle ABBA Festival 2023 successes for the festival include:

·    Positive reaction of the festival goers on social media channels.

·    Feedback that was received through multiple communication channels from festival goers, performers, stakeholders, and staff.

·    Media coverage - online, radio and tv.

·    Community reaction and engagement - positive feedback and celebrations at the Trundle & District Progress Committee Meeting.

·    Confidence and trust renewed with the community in Parkes Shire Council delivering the event.

Trundle ABBA Festival 2023 successes:

•        2,200 tickets sold,

•        tickets were scanned.

•        site plan executed,

•        bands turned up,

•        performances were delivered,

•        hotels were slept in,

•        buses turned up,

•        overlay was delivered, installed, and collected,

•        fireworks launched, 

•        best dressed trophy awarded,

•        town crier cried,

•        flash mobs danced,

•        the choir sang,

•        dance floor was danced on.

•        garbage was collected and disposed of

•        food and drinks were served,

•        ABBA Central opened and merchandise was sold.

•        dance floor danced on in the main street.

•        DJ's played music and competitions were hosted.

•        the big disco ball sparkled.

•        Waterloo Express arrived at Waterloo Station

•        First aid was administered.

•        fires were put out (literally)

•        Police policed.

•        photographers snapped (hundreds of dancing queens)

•        videographers filmed.

•        toilets were cleaned (until they sparkled)

•        VIPs were greeted.

•        carers were thanked.

•        signage was installed.

•        ads in newspapers were printed.

•        commercials on tv and radio were broadcast.

•        video messages were sent from Dannii Minogue and Bjron Ulvaeus

•        front page newspaper coverage

•        a mention in Parliament

•        Special mention goes to PSC Parkes and Gardens, PSC Operations, PSC Marketing and Comms.

Special mention goes to PSC Parks and Gardens, PSC Operations, PSC Marketing and Comms staff who were vital for the staging of the Festival.

In addition to these successes, there we're several operational learning that could be improved upon, including:

•        Audio contractor

•        Stage provider

•        Performers

•        Ticketing platform

•        Transport

•        Creative engagement and integration of activities throughout Trundle

•        Look and signage

•        Communication to ticket holders and wider community


Ticket sales for the 2023 event were lower than anticipated. The estimate was carried over from the 2022 event, with no indication of bias or inability to meet the target. Factors such as the four-year hiatus caused by COVID-19, severe weather, and the current cost of living pressures may have contributed to lower-than-expected sales. Should the Trundle ABBA Festival return in 2024, these sales would be used as a benchmark and inform future budgeting.

NSW residents accounted for 88% of ticket sales. ACT residents represented 4% of attendees, whilst QLD and VIC accounted for 3% each. 1% of attendees were from WA. TAs and SA had a combined attendance of 1%.

A report will be tabled to a future meeting that will detail the final costs and present the results of the feedback survey, which currently being conducted. An analysis of the spend in the community will also be presented before a proposal to run the 2024 is considered.

Legislative and Policy Context

There are no legislative or policy considerations for Council associated with this report.

Financial Implications

The events and finance teams are currently working to process all payments and financial reports to understand the total earnings and costs associated with the Trundle ABBA Festival. Once these reports are finalised, Council will have a greater understanding of the financial and economic outcomes of the event.

Risk Implications

There is a high risk that the festival's final cost will exceed the estimated budget Council set aside for the event.

Community Consultation

There are no community consultation requirements for Council associated with this report.


This report outlines the initial insight gathered from the 2023 Trundle ABBA Festival since completion.


Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


9.4         2024 Parkes Elvis Festival Update

IP&R Linkage:        Pillar: Community

Goal: Our community is creative, proud and has a strong sense of belonging.

Strategy: Deliver and support events, festivals and celebrations that promote engaged citizenship and foster community pride.

Author:                    Mikaela Cass, Elvis Festival Project Manager

Authoriser:             Carrie Olsen, Executive Manager Economy, Destination and Activation

Annexures:             Nil



That the Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee:

1.       Receive and note the information regarding the 2024 Elvis Festival update.



Recognised as one of the top three Festivals and Events in Australia, the Parkes Elvis Festival ("the Festival") attracts 25,000 fans with a global reach of 479 million. The 2024 Festival will be held 10-14 January and will celebrate its 31st year.


Planning and delivery of the 2024 Festival is well underway with a newly formed Festival Team, with Mikaela Cass and Joel Ulbricht leading the charge. There is also significant Council staff involvement including the Comms and Media, Events, Tourism and Operations teams. In addition, the efforts of the portfolio holders cannot be understated.

Ticket Sales

As of 16 November 2023, total ticket sales were $257,234.45 with 3,603 tickets sold across the Parkes Leagues Club and Parkes Services Club Shows.


Over one hundred (100) performers are performing at over thirty (30) venues across the Festival.

The 2024 Festival Feature Artists are Taylor Rodriguez and Cote Deonath from the United States.

Taylor hails from Lynchburg, Virginia. Taylor was named the 2019 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Champion by Elvis Presley Enterprises (EPE) and previously rocked the stage at the 2022 Parkes Elvis Festival.

Cote has been playing tribute to Elvis Presley for the past 20 years and at 26 years old, is one of the top ETAs in the world. Cote was recently named the 2023 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Champion by Elvis Presley Enterprises (EPE).

2024 Highlights

·    Feature Concert Series each night at the Leagues Club from Wednesday to Sunday

·    Saturday Street Parade featuring classic cars, floats, marching band and special guests

·    Saturday Official Opening Ceremony at Cooke Park

·    Sunday Gospel Service at Cooke Park

·    Sunday Festival Finale at Parkes Leagues Club

·    Over thirty venues, pubs and bars will play host throughout 2024.

Planning for 2025 Parkes Elvis Festival

The Parkes Elvis Festival Team are working with Portfolio Holders and other stakeholders to commence planning activities for the 2025 Festival. The theme for the 2025 Festival will be "Easy Come, Easy Go", and will be printed in the Official 2024 Parkes Elvis Festival Program.

Legislative and Policy Context

There are no legislative or policy considerations for the Committee associated with this report.

Financial Implications

All expenditure for the 2024 Festival is funded from the Parkes Elvis Festival budget. 

Risk Implications

Early indications are that there is a real risk that the 2024 festival will exceed the initial budget set by Council.

Community Consultation

There are no community consultation requirements associated with this report.


This report is provided to the Committee to provide an update on the planning activities for the 2024 Parkes Elvis Festival.


Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


9.5         Customer Profiles - Project Update

IP&R Linkage:        Pillar: Economy

Goal: Our Shire is an attractive destination to live, work, visit and invest.

Strategy: Promote Parkes Shire as a tourist destination and support the continued growth of our visitor economy.

Author:                    Katie Nash, Economic Development Specialist

Authoriser:             Anthony McGrath, Director Customer, Corporate Services and Economy

Annexures:             A.      Customer Profiles - Final Draft



That the Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee:

1.       Receive and note the Customer Profiles project update report.




In April 2023, Parkes Shire Council ("Council") began collaborating with consultants, Customer Frame. The project scope was to create robust customer profiles for the Parkes Region to drive tourism and engagement goals, particularly aligning with the deliverables of the draft Parkes Shire Destination Management Plan and Bypass Strategy. Creating these unique profiles will help enhance customer empathy, find new opportunities, and help the region's operators collaborate to grow the visitor economy.


Phase one of the project was to engage with our business industry by facilitating an interactive 2-day workshop to enlighten us on their experiences and help us understand our region's current and potential customers. After qualitative and quantitative research was gathered, Customer Frame worked to create seven unique profiles for our region; they are:

•        The city-dweller needing a break

•        The FIFO business traveller

•        The ever curious, with a thirst for knowledge

•        The centre of the middle-income family

•        The active eventgoers

•        The vibrant retirees

•        The people-centred, passionate local

Council has now received the draft of the Customer Profiles, which is available for review. Council expects to receive the final version in the coming weeks. Once the final version has been presented to Council, the profiles will be made available to the business community via the Invest Parkes website and the monthly business e-newsletter.

Legislative and Policy Context

There are no legislative or policy considerations for Council associated with this report.

Financial Implications

Phases 1 and 2 are now complete, with invoices received and processed. The next phase of the program has been quoted; however, funds have yet to be allocated in the 2023/24 budget. We will continue investigating grant funding opportunities to further progress this program.

Risk Implications

The project aims to create customer profiles for Parkes Shire Council and the wider business community. Council has undertaken community engagement sessions, circulated business surveys and provided opportunities for feedback and ideas. There is minimal risk associated with the project.

Community Consultation

Business industry surveys were circulated via newsletters, social media platforms, email distribution and QR code collateral. Industry workshop sessions were held in July with key customer service business operators.


This report outlines the progress that has been made with the customer profiling project to date.


Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023



Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


9.6         Development of Parkes Shire Destination Management Plan & Bypass Strategy

IP&R Linkage:        Pillar: Economy

Goal: Our Shire is an attractive destination to live, work, visit and invest.

Strategy: Promote Parkes Shire as a tourist destination and support the continued growth of our visitor economy.

Author:                    Carrie Olsen, Executive Manager Economy, Destination and Activation

Authoriser:             Anthony McGrath, Director Customer, Corporate Services and Economy

Annexures:             Nil



That the Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee:

1.       Receive and note the briefing on the development of the Parkes Destination Management Plan & Bypass Strategy, as detailed in this report.




Throughout 2021, Parkes Shire Council ("Council") held preliminary discussions with Transport for NSW ("TfNSW") in relation to the development of a Parkes Shire Destination Management Plan and Bypass Strategy ("the DMP and Bypass Strategy"). Noting the perceived impact of the new Parkes Newell Highway Bypass on local business activity and trade, Council sought a funding contribution from TfNSW to support the preparation of the DMP and Bypass Strategy.


In May 2022, Council was successful in obtaining a pledge of up to $100,000 in funding from TfNSW to support the development of the DMP and Bypass Strategy, for the purpose of engaging a suitably skilled and experienced consultant to work with Council in preparing the DMP and Bypass Strategy. Following appropriate procurement protocols, Council subsequently engaged Urban Enterprise to undertake works to the value of $80,000.


The DMP and Bypass Strategy will inform the actions of the Economy, Destination and Activation team. The strategies are being developed to align with the timeframe of the associated state government strategies:

-     NSW Visitor Economy Strategy 2030

-     Central West NSW Destination Management Plan 2022 - 2030

Given that this work will impact the priorities of Council until 2030, great care is being taken to ensure a robust and focused outcome.

At the conclusion of Urban Enterprise's work, Council engaged Meredith Wray to undertake a critical review of the draft Destination Management Plan. This work is currently underway and includes further stakeholder and community engagement.

Upon delivery of the final draft strategy by Meredith Wray, it will be reviewed by Council officers, then tabled at a Council meeting seeking that it be placed on public exhibition.

Legislative and Policy Context

As with all Council strategies, following adoption, the DMP and Strategy will form part of Council's Integrated Planning and Reporting ("IP&R") framework. Specific actions and projects identified in the DMP and Bypass Strategy will be programmed and funded for delivery via Council's Operational Plan and Budget.

Financial Implications

The development of the DMP and Bypass Strategy is funded via a contribution from TfNSW up to the value of $100,000.00. The project is currently under budget.

Risk Implications

While Council supports the construction of the Parkes Bypass, it is noted that the local business community has expressed concerns around the perceived impact of the Parkes Bypass on business activity and trade via the diversion of traffic flow from Bogan Street and the Parkes Central Business District. The draft DMP and Bypass Strategy must clearly outline specific actions that council can deliver to mitigate the perceived risks to the local economy and further develop Parkes' reputation as a tourist destination and enhance its visitor economy.

Community Consultation

Development of the draft DMP and Bypass Strategy has incorporated a robust stakeholder consultation program, encompassing industry engagement, comprising four workshops with business operators and industry stakeholders, including one with Destination Central West NSW. In addition, targeted stakeholder engagement has been undertaken with various NSW Government agencies including Crown Lands, Department of Regional NSW, NSW Forestry Corporation and TfNSW.

Once the draft DMP and Bypass Strategy is placed on public exhibition, members of the public will be invited to review and provide feedback on the document, prior to finalisation and adoption by Council. Any submissions received during the public exhibition period will be reviewed and considered by Council prior to finalisation and adoption of the draft DMP and Bypass Strategy.


This report provides the Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee ("the Committee") with a briefing on the development of the Parkes Shire Destination Management Plan and Bypass Strategy. It is recommended that the Committee receive and note the report.

A presentation will be made at the committee meeting.


Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


9.7         Development of Parkes Regional Entertainment and Cultural Centre Feasibility Study

IP&R Linkage:        Pillar: Economy

Goal: Our Shire is an attractive destination to live, work, visit and invest.

Strategy: Promote Parkes Shire as a tourist destination and support the continued growth of our visitor economy.

Author:                    Carrie Olsen, Executive Manager Economy, Destination and Activation

Authoriser:             Anthony McGrath, Director Customer, Corporate Services and Economy

Annexures:             Nil



That the Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee:

1.       Receive and note the briefing on the development of the Parkes Regional Entertainment and Cultural Centre Feasibility Study, as detailed in this report.




At its Ordinary Meeting held in September 2022, Parkes Shire Council ("Council") resolved to endorse the submission of various grant applications under Round 2 of the Regional Tourism Activation Fund, Round 9 of the Resources for Regions Fund and Round 5 of the Stronger Country Communities Fund [res. 22-316].


Through Round 9 of the NSW Government's Resources for Regions Fund, Council was successful in securing $150,000 to undertake a Feasibility Study for the construction of a regional Entertainment and Cultural Centre in Parkes.


The objective of the Feasibility Study is to explore the viability of constructing an entertainment and cultural centre in the Parkes Shire local government area.


In January 2023, Council issued a Request for Proposal ("RFP") to engage a suitably skilled, qualified and experienced consultant to undertake the project and prepare the Feasibility Study. After a thorough evaluation process, in March 2023, Council selected the preferred proponent, Hawkridge Entertainment Services ("Hawkridge").


Hawkridge Entertainment Services has vast experience developing business strategies, including business and strategic plans, manuals, policies and procedures for effectively operating venues.


Economic viability is at the forefront of Hawkridge's ethos, ensuring that the Council will be aware of the risks, challenges and opportunities of an Entertainment and Cultural Centre development within the Shire.



Council has now received from Hawkridge a draft of the Regional Entertainment and Cultural Centre Feasibility Study for review and feedback, appended at Annexure A.


Through an extensive research and engagement process, the study has specifically assessed the potential:


-     Size and function of the proposed facility

-     Community and commercial demand for the proposed facility, and

-     Utilisation and subsequent operations consequences for Council


In short, the draft Feasibility Study presented by Hawkridge details that a new entertainment and cultural centre in Parkes would serve to support existing masterplans and strategies, provide a significant venue that would be the centrepiece for community gathering, activity and events and provide economic and social benefits consistent with the sought ambition and outcomes identified throughout the project.


The draft Feasibility Study encompasses a demand assessment, location consideration, functional brief, preliminary concept design, operational budget projections and a construction cost estimate.


The draft Feasibility Study presented by Hawkridge is now under review by Council officers. It will be presented by Hawkridge at the next Councillor Workshop (February 2024) before being tabled at a Council meeting for endorsement.

Legislative and Policy Context

There are no legislative or policy considerations for Council associated with this report.

Financial Implications

As detailed above, Council secured $150,000 in funding via the NSW Government's Resources for Regions Fund to deliver this project. This funding must be expended and acquitted by December 2025.

Risk Implications

Development of the Feasibility Study is a grant-dependant project, and as such, the project will need to be effectively managed to ensure cost overruns are avoided. While the acquittal date is December 2025, Council officers are anticipating the project being completed in early 2024.

Community Consultation

Hawkridge Entertainment Services completed a robust consultation process in the preparation of the draft Feasibility Study. Further detail is provided in the document appended at Annexure A.


This report provides the Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee ("the Committee") with a briefing on the development of the Parkes Regional Entertainment and Cultural Centre Feasibility Study. It is recommended that the Committee receive and note the report.


Destination and Major Events Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


10          Report of Confidential Resolutions

In accordance with clauses 14.22 and 14.23 of Council's Code of Meeting Practice, resolutions passed during a meeting, or a part of a meeting that is closed to the public must be made public by the Chairperson as soon as practicable. Such resolutions must be recorded in the publicly available minutes of the meeting.